…to find God’s will, regardless of how personal the decision we need to make, we have to be able to set aside our personal feeling and preference…
(Hanny Setiawan)
Finding God’s Will is undoubtedly very crucial for our personal relationship with God. The more we know Him, the clearer we’re able see our life’s path. On the other hand, the more we know His Will, the closer we will get to Him.
But ironically, the personal nature of the process of finding God’s will could sometimes become a hindrance to understand what God really desires us to do. We become “too personal” and think that the story is just about us.
The center of our faith is the Cross. Any sound theologies should reflect why God left His divine nature to become a limited nature and even died in a such a horrible way, carrying our sins. Walsh and Middleton says, “Any world view built on the Bible must focus on Christ’s incarnation – his life, death and ressurection” (The Transforming Vision, p. 74).
Thus, any paths that we choose should bring us to be more like Christ (Rm 8:20; Heb 2:10-11). Living, and thinking like Christ should be the only thing that matters for us.
Unfortunatelly, we tend to forget that to live is Christ when we’re in searching of God’s will. We think
that our life is our story and God is merely the “great counselor” to help us write the right story.
Indeed, He is our counselor, but don’t forget that He also owns us (I Cor 6:19-20; Gal 2:19-20). In simple
words, when making any decisions, we should always remember that we simply write His story in our live. Our story is part of God’s big story, the meta-narrative.
The discussion brings to my point that to find God’s will, regardless of how personal the decision we need to make, we have to be able to set aside our personal feeling and preference. I strongly believe that it doesn’t mattter where we want to live, what kind of jobs we want to do, what type of boys/girls we want to marry, what academic majors we want to take, and any other kind of decisions, God’s big story is more important.
The problem is that we can’t always see the bigger picture that God has for us. That’s where faithcomes to play. We have to believe!
Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
It is so sure and certain that a man could stake his
life on it a thousand times (Martin Luther)
In conclusion, I would like to urge us to really contemplate any decisions we are about to make. Are we
making decisions just for our own sake, or God’s sake? Don’t be afraid to make “unpopular decisions” if
that’s necessary, believe that He will perfect His plan for us, because above all our life is His-Story
Godly Advise: Finding God’s Will (1)
Brokenness: Finding God’s Will (2)
Writing His-Story : Finding God’s Will (3)
Don’t Try, But Walk In Faith : Finding God’s Will (4)

Hanny Setiawan - Indonesia
Chairman of Kingdom Family Network that envisions New Indonesia. In literatur ministry, his desires is to "translate prophetic messages" into natural language of politic, social, economy, business, IT, education, music, etc in a view of "reformed charismatic theology"