The concept of remnant is very biblical important. The late David Wilkerson message about the remnant is one of the must hear teachings. Following excerpt You Tube can give us a glimpse of what’s in the well known prophetic voice in the modern age.
Another prophetic voice that is inline with Wilkerson is David Demian from Watchmen for the Nations. In fact, David has walked for years as and with the remnant from all over the worlds. So called Family Journey has started the journey to gather “the remnant family” through worship, prayer, intercession, healing, and reconciliation (source).
Following is David’s brief sharing and thought regarding the remnant. I believe his writing is crucial for us to learn.
I was also learning another important principle – that in order to see God’s kingdom established or our nation transformed we don’t have to amass a large number of people. We only have to have the “right number” of the remnant that will please God’s heart.
If a remnant, called by the Lord, will posture itself in humility and brokenness and wait for His direction, then He will extend the sceptre of His authority to bring the government and whoever else He wants, into conformity with the purpose of His will.
I think that this principle – of a remnant standing on behalf of the whole – is something the enemy has also stolen from the Church.
Somehow we have come to believe that unless we have large numbers, we cannot have any influence in our society. We think if we can gather tens of thousands of people to pray together, then the spiritual atmosphere of our city will shift.
And maybe it will – but not because of the numbers; it will only shift if this is what God has ordained as His strategy to shift the spiritual atmosphere of the city. Our strength is not in numbers, it is in the collective obedience of a remnant who have heard what the Spirit is saying. (Zechariah 4:6)
Throughout the Old Testament we see God using a remnant – a smaller group – to release the victory for the whole. So just what is the right number of the remnant? I don’t think it’s a fixed number – it varies with each situation. Sometimes it can be as few as one person
“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it… ” Ezekiel 22:30
But more often it is a company of people. God reserved 7000 in Israel who had not bowed their knee to Baal to preserve Israel in the midst of wicked rulers. In Sodom and Gomorrah, just 10 righteous people would have been enough to spare these large cities and their thousands of inhabitants from suffering God’s righteous judgment.
In Gideon’s day, 300 men were what God wanted to rout the enemy and win the victory for the whole nation. And in the book of Acts, 120 men and women, coming together in one accord, were enough to bring the promised release of the Holy Spirit into the Church and birth a new model of the kingdom for the generations that would follow.
Writer : David Demian, The Kingdom Experiment
The “two Davids” : Wilkerson and Demian have given us the urgency to keep our eyes in the remnant. This group of people IS NOT an outcast group, but the key of victory of the whole.
In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia,from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.
(Isaiah 11:11)

Hanny Setiawan - Indonesia
Chairman of Kingdom Family Network that envisions New Indonesia. In literatur ministry, his desires is to "translate prophetic messages" into natural language of politic, social, economy, business, IT, education, music, etc in a view of "reformed charismatic theology"