
Ready to Lose : Finding God’s Will (5)

Finding God Will

What the world doesn’t know is that by being a loser Jesus becomes the true winner.
He has won the most difficult war that one ever faced, is facing,
and will ever face again in this world.

(Hanny Setiawan)

Nobody wants to be a loser. We want to be winners.  Indeed, Bible shows that we are more than conqueror.  Christ’s resurrection has changed our world upside down. Now, by faith, we are destined to win. Isn’t that awesome? However, is it safe to say that Christian faith is just about winning?

Let’s look back and see what happened on the hill called Golgotha where a man hanged on the cross. He
was just a poor teacher who was left by everybody He knew including His disciples. And He died and was
cursed without doing anything wrong.

Therefore, He was more than a loser at the eyes of His society. But yet, every tongue will confess, every knee will bow down before Him who is called Immanuel. This means that the Man, Jesus, was both a loser and a winner. What? Jesus is a loser?

Yes, Jesus was a loser before the eye of the world.  He was not a King that His disciples thought. And the
truth is He never even tried to win. He knew that to be a king that His follower thought was His goal, His
war. He didn’t want to fight a war that he didn’t belong.

He fought what He was called to fight. He didn’t want to avoid the Cross, even though He was
more than able to do so. He knew His Father’s Will is the Cross. And He chose to abide to His Caling. What an example!

What the world doesn’t know is that by being a loser Jesus becomes the true winner. He has won the most difficult war that one ever faced, is facing, and will ever face again in this world. This truth becomes the answer of our question.

We are destined to win “the war”, but not just “any wars” – the war against the flesh and the evil in order to fulfill our calling that has been set by God almighty since the beginning of time. We are called to conquer ‘our cross’, living up to Jesus’ example.

Thus, Christian faith is NOT just about winning.  Rather, it is about finding and fulfilling God’s will.
If to fulfill God’s will we have to lose our dreams, our goals, our desires, then why NOT? We just need to
replace our dreams with His dreams, our goal with Hisgoals, and our desires with His desires. Don’t we?

The questions now are:

* Are we ready to give up “profitable business opportunities” if that’s necessary to please God?
* Are we willing to lose “a girl or a boy” if that’s the right thing to do?
* Are we willing to be “a stranger” among our co-workers, classmates, business partners, friends,
etc to do God’s will?

In other words, are we ready to be “a loser?

One thing needs to be borne in mind, in addition. God is not a bad guy who doesn’t want to see us happy and be “winners.” But He simply knows what’s the best for us. Didn’t He already die and rise for us? Isn’t that enough?

It’s not about winning, because what the world sees is not what matters. What really matter is to please the resurrected God at any cost, all the time.


Godly Advise: Finding God’s Will (1)

Brokenness: Finding God’s Will (2)

Writing His-Story : Finding God’s Will (3)

Don’t Try, But Walk In Faith : Finding God’s Will (4)

Ready to Lose : Finding God’s Will (5)


Hanny Setiawan - Indonesia

Chairman of Kingdom Family Network that envisions New Indonesia. In literatur ministry, his desires is to "translate prophetic messages" into natural language of politic, social, economy, business, IT, education, music, etc in a view of "reformed charismatic theology"





Hanny Setiawan - Indonesia

Chairman of Kingdom Family Network that envisions New Indonesia. In literatur ministry, his desires is to "translate prophetic messages" into natural language of politic, social, economy, business, IT, education, music, etc in a view of "reformed charismatic theology"

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